Successfully transitioned from 12+ years in project management, growing four separate physical therapy offices, educating and providing sports therapy for athletes from around the world, to software engineering by completing over 1000+ hours of Full Stack MERN Developer instructor-led trainings, starting a tech Meetup and contributing to open source projects
I created the NYC Vegans In Tech meetup as a diverse and inclusive community of vegans and vegan
curious professionals interested
in the intersection of technology and animal rights!
Whether you're a software engineer, work in tech, work in tech adjacent industry or are simply passionate
about both
veganism and technology, this event is for you!
Connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and explore the intersection of veganism and the tech
Here are some of the sefvices I offer
A well-designed website is a powerful marketing and communication tool that helps build trust and generate leads.
Web applications can reach a global audience. They're interactive and engaging, so can easily hold users' attention.
Target audience analysis is the process of identifying potential users and designing a MVP for them.